“Neighbouring Rights” is one of those terms that can cause a lot of confusion and misunderstanding even with record company personnel
As the “Neighbouring Rights” payments were introduced in the middle of the 90s they were for many years simply ignored by many Record companies, only in the last 10 years due to the high income have they become an important part of the industry.
What are neighbouring rights they are public performance royalties due to the sound recording copyright holder.
Every song has Two Basic types of copyrights attached to it… one for the composition of the song, and one for the recording of the song.
The composition copyright pays the songwriter and publisher (GEMA, PRS Biema Stemra etc), while the sound recording copyright pays the artist that recorded the song and that of-course is the RECORD Label.
Streetheat stands for High End-Collection of neighbouring rights from Start-To-Finish and has over 35 years’ experience of collecting from all over the world, we combine innovative new technology and our direct relationships with over 35 collection societies enables us to pay significantly more to our clients. Our Neighbouring rights team has expert knowledge and long-established relationships with a lot of companies at source, so we collect directly to minimize society commissions and ensure all rights are administered and registered to the highest standard possible.
Due to the vast experienced and its day-to-day contact with our Neighbouring Rights Associations, ensures its statements are accurate and complete as possible. Streetheat Collect Team undertakes in-depth data analysis, and cross checks so that we maximize revenue & turnover of your Neighbouring Rights royalties.
Streetheat are only paid a commission when we collect royalties for you, so we have the same incentives. there are no hidden or upfront fees for our customers.
Streetheat works directly with the following collecting agencies and collects
in total in over 35 different countries.
AARC (US) – Adami (FR) – Agedi (ES) – Connect (CA) – Gramex (DK) – Gramex (FI) – GVL (DE) – Ifpi (SE) – LSG (AT) – Norma (NL) – Playright (BE) – PPCA (AU) –
PPI (IE) – PPL / VPL (GB) – Sami (SE) – SCPP (FR) – SENA (NL) – SoundExchange (US) – SPPF (FR) – Starmedia (RU) – Swissperform (CH) – UBC (BR)
The chain of income

Broadcasting / Public Performance / Private Copies / Web Streaming

Collecting Agencies

Registration/Accounting and collection of each and every track

License Partners
Revenue / Turnover
Paid in most cases
2 or 4 a year
10 Reasons
why to choose Streetheat
- Streetheat music offers artists, songwriters, and publishers a real alternative to the traditional music business model (Majors) through technology and know-how Streetheat music empowers creators with transparency, flexibility, ownership and control.
- Streetheat music promotion team has expert local knowledge and long-established relationships with collection societies (Sena, GVL etc.), ensuring all rights are administered to the highest standard.
- Our expert Neighboring Rights team undertakes a detailed analysis of all licensed tracks, which increases data accuracy and maximizes revenue collection.
- Streetheat tracking system compares collection against detailed in-house expectations to ensure all income is correctly accounted and allows us to monitor collection and ensures all income is received.
- Streetheat Music pays Neighboring Rights income 4 times a year by direct deposit.
- Streetheat first time claims for Neighboring Rights collection is perfect for all parties who have no experience, there may be income already accumulated and ready to collect. In some countries, income from up to 10 years ago can still be claimed retroactively.
- Streetheat team ensures each client’s repertoire claims are filed correctly with the societies in order to access any accumulated historic funds.
- Over 40 years of experience in the European Music Business
- Streetheat pays advances (ask your partner, if they are willing to do so)
- Streetheat promotes free of charge all licensed product
We Collect in over 60 different countries
Including Germany | Netherlands | Belgium | UK | Austria | Swizerland | Canada, USA | Australia | Japan
Streetheat Music Promotion
Streetheat Music is Your best choice
Streetheat Music is an independent label with over 40 years’ experience in the music business, licensing and promoting Neighbouring Rights and is specialized in the Territories Benelux, Scandinavia & GAS
Streetheat Music together with our partner Digipluggin (No1 in Holland) promotes all types of music urban, house, Dance, our objective is to achieve that our tracks are played in Clubs and broadcast on Radio, television and Streamed. Streetheat`s promotion department is based in Germany (Düsseldorf) and in the Netherlands (Rotterdam).
Streetheat Music`s strategy has been very effective in getting a enormous amount of Radio & TV for our 650 clients World Wide, please browse our catalog for more info.
Promotion strategy (conventional digital media)
Promotion in the Netherlands (Partnership with Digipluggin):
- Release thru Holland’s online database and No 1 radio promotion service “Digipluggin” (Amsterdam) with direct download for all radio stations online.
- Direct E-Mail promotion from our office in Rotterdam to over 250 radio and TV Stations including direct support to numbers of prime time shows.
- Streetheat promotion team visits or contacts at least once a month all major radio stations in the Netherlands to promote our Licensed product.
- Regular newsletters to all relevant Mags in the Benelux
- Full direct promotion to all Streaming services
Further Promotion:
- Social media
Upload of a teaser (or the entire video, if available) to all relevant social media platforms and start or boost the promotion through the Social networks. Our aim is to let more people know the artist and the song and create expectations for the release of the track.
- Alternative media
We will also send the track to diverse media companies that do not have direct access to “Digipluggin” so we can see which ones of them may be also interested in the Master.
- Special actions
Other promotion actions with specialized networks and presentation of the License to all our partners worldwide. - We work together with the following agencies
AARC (US) – ABRAMUS (BR) – Adami (FR) – Agedi (ES) – Connect (CA) – Gramex (DK) – Gramex (FI) – Gramo (NO) – GVL (DE) – Ifpi (SE) – LaIPA (LV) – LSG (AT) – Norma (NL) – Playright (BE) – PPCA (AU) – PPI (IE) – PPL / VPL (GB) – Sami (SE) – SCPP (FR) – SENA (NL) – Sound Exchange (US) – SPPF (FR) – Starmedia (RU) – SwissPerform (CH) – UBC
Contact to Streetheat Music
You can contact us directly real people No answering machines
Streetheat music offers artists, songwriters, and publishers a real alternative to the traditional music business model (Majors) through technology and know-how Streetheat music empowers creators with transparency, flexibility, ownership and control. We collect neighbouring rights in over 60 Countries.
Ready for more income?
Streetheat are only paid a commission when we collect royalties for you, so we have the same incentives.